Episode 2 - Edose Ohen - Man of Many Talents
On the pilot episode of Knowledge Bandits, I listen as Edose Ohen gives some valuable insight as he talks about how he got his start as an entrepreneur and how he manages to run multiple businesses, all at the age of 29.
During the course of the hour-long episode, I really try to figure out what makes Edose tick and how he finds motivation to push as hard as he does. When you listen to the episode, it's clear that Edose is a man on a mission. He reminds me a bit of Elon Musk in terms of his approach to starting businesses. He recognizes trends, but has also looked at what he sees to be some of the most pressing issues in Nigeria. Instead of stopping there, he has put it upon himself to create solutions.
There is a trend of members of the diaspora community going back to their respective countries, at an increasing rate, and starting businesses. But what exactly does the feat entail? For anyone who has decided to do some research and find out how to start a business in on the Continent, you may have noticed a few things:
1. There isn't much information;
2. Information that you find can be outdated; and
3. Finding that information can be exhausting.
Edose breaks the process down for the Bandits (listeners). He explains the steps he took to starting businesses in Nigeria without much prior exposure and how he manages these businesses remotely. It's truly inspiring to see young people taking an active role in shaping the future of their countries.
Edose leaves Knowledge Bandits with a strong parting word for those living in diaspora, so listen for your dose of inspiration!
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