Uber Takes A Step Towards Sustainable Mobility With UberGreen
The transport sector accounts for 13% of COâ‚‚ emissions in South Africa, making it the second largest emitter of COâ‚‚ in the country. Every...
Facebook Organizing Fireside Chat At iDea Hub With Ime Archibong On Free Basics Platform
Facebook is hosting a developer focused event at iDea Hub, in Lagos, on Tuesday, May 10 at 4pm. The chat, led by Ime Archibong, will give...
#NairobiTechWeek - Kenyan Team Wins First Ever Angelhack Hackathon In Africa
Kenyan team, Report Taka, emerged as the winners of AngelHack's first hackathon in Africa. The winners were announced during the Nairobi...
Rwanda: Africa Smart Investments To Equip 80,000 Teachers With Laptops
Rwandan teachers are set to advance technology wise as they teach in schools. The development comes after Africa Smart Investments...
Africa Roundup: More VC To Jumia’s Parent, Konga Launches Nigeria’s PayPal, M-Kopa Solar Lights Home
Just when we thought Africa Internet Group’s (AIG) 2016 VC haul couldn’t get larger, French mobile giant Orange invested $85 million....
Nigeria: Pangea Launches Voice-To-Internet APP In Nigeria For Those Who Want Internet Outside Data C
Every now and then something comes along that sounds so unlikely your first instinct is to check whether it’s April Fool’s day. American...
Design Thinking In The Nigerian Context
Chika Umeadi, one of the founders of tihub.org, published a blog post about Design Thinking In The Nigerian Context. tiphub is a...
Microsoft 4Afrika Sponsors Prizes For Africa StartUp Cup Winners & Finalists
Winners and finalists of this year’s Africa StartUp Cup will be receiving a series of prizes to help them further develop and scale their...
Knowledge Weecap - Top Stories This Week From Knowledge Bandits News
In case you missed it, here is the Weecap. Take a look at the top stories on African technology and startups from Knowledge Bandits News...
Solar Startup M-KOPA Leapfrogs Africa’s Electricity Grid
Across East Africa more than 300,000 households previously without electricity are powering homes and devices with solar panels and using...